Javier Mateo, the spokesperson for the political party Más País in Castilla-La Mancha, has called on all left-wing parties and groups operating in the region to unite behind the Sumar coalition and under the leadership of Yolanda Díaz. Mateo emphasized the importance of leaving ego and unnecessary friction behind, stating that the upcoming elections could have serious consequences if the left-wing fails to come together. He also acknowledged that talks have already begun with potential partners for the coalition.
Mateo stressed that the most crucial factor is commitment and attitude towards building a progressive government that defends workers’ rights and advocates for social justice. He indirectly addressed Podemos, suggesting that it is time for them to reflect on their role and results in the previous election. He emphasized that all members of the coalition must be prepared to work together, even if they are not friends.
Mateo expressed concern about the potential consequences of the left-wing failing to unite and urged all parties and groups, including Equo, IU, Podemos, and Más País, to join together. He also hopes that influential members of IU and Podemos who hold institutional positions will participate in the coalition.
Regarding his personal ambitions, Mateo stated that he would do whatever necessary to help the coalition, whether it is putting up posters or speaking in front of a microphone. He believes that each region has its own identity, and he hopes that Sumar will be flexible in accommodating this diversity while still maintaining a national framework.
Overall, Mateo implores the left-wing to unite behind Sumar and to leave behind any vestiges of individual ambition or unproductive conflicts that could jeopardize the upcoming elections. He believes that avoiding a right-wing or far-right government is necessary and urges all left-wing parties and groups to work towards this common goal.
La entrada «Ante la construcción de Sumar en C-LM, Más País exige abandonar los egos y dar espacio para todos, ya que nos jugamos mucho». se publicó primero en Diario de Castilla-la Mancha.
Consulta más Noticias de Castilla-La Mancha, Noticias Ciudad Real, Noticias Toledo o Noticias de Cuenca.