18 marzo, 2025
InicioRegiónEl alcalde Tolón se compromete a implementar las 25 medidas de la...

El alcalde Tolón se compromete a implementar las 25 medidas de la Mesa del Casco de Toledo para revitalizar el barrio

Milagros Tolón, the mayor of Toledo, announced on Thursday the proposals developed within the framework of the Historical Center Committee to address the challenges and needs of the old town and improve the quality of life of its residents. A catalog of 25 measures that the government team assumes as its own to continue advancing in the revitalization of the Historical Center. After the meeting held with the members of this working group created a year ago to maintain and enhance neighborhood use and to attract new residents, the mayor presented these measures that “many of which we have already begun to implement” which have been designed in this committee coordinated by the president of the Citizen Participation Council in the Old Quarter, Francisco Rueda, as the city council reported in a press release.

Furthermore, as pointed out by the mayor, this committee is made up of “highly solvent professionals and lovers of their city,” such as Jesus Carrobles, Virginia Cavia, Jesus Corroto, Luis Enrique Espinoza, Nuria Fernandez Pacheco, Alicia Martínez, Isabel Ralero, Marta Romero, and Eduardo Sanchez Butragueño.

From the conviction that the future of the Historical Center “depends on prioritizing its function as a residential neighborhood,” Milagros Tolón has maintained that as of today, the municipal government assumes this document of 25 proposals “as a roadmap for its next development.”

The axes that include the different proposals are related to population retention, housing access and habitability, mobility, green spaces, tourism, and the diversification of economic activity and culture’s role.

La entrada El alcalde Tolón se compromete a implementar las 25 medidas de la Mesa del Casco de Toledo para revitalizar el barrio se publicó primero en Diario de Castilla-la Mancha.

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