Carmen Calvo, former Vice President of the Government of Spain, has praised the policies aimed at gender equality by the regional government of Castilla-La Mancha. She spoke at an open meeting with citizens in La Puebla de Montalbán (Toledo), also attended by regional President Emiliano García-Page, the PSOE candidate for mayor Estela Palma, and the current Socialist mayor, Ismael del Pino. Calvo praised García-Page’s commitment to “equalizing the conditions of women and men” and called the struggle for gender equality “the most important of all”. She noted that historically, women have been excluded from the public sphere. Calvo also re-affirmed PSOE’s historical role in establishing measures such as non-contributory pensions for women who had not been able to contribute. She contrasted the PSOE’s role with that of other parties that “play to their personal interests and their nationalisms”.
Calvo also took the opportunity to speak out against surrogacy. She criticized the idea that “bringing children into the world” has been promoted for centuries as the most important thing for a woman, only to be devalued in favor of surrogacy when it becomes profitable. She demanded that men also play an active and open role in defending gender equality, particularly against gender violence.
In addition to her comments on national and regional policies, Calvo expressed her support for the PSOE candidate for mayor in La Puebla de Montalbán, Estela Palma, describing her as someone who brings light and solves problems for people. Palma focused her speech on the importance of policies supporting work-life balance, given the difficult choices women often face. She cited the Plan Corresponsables, included in the II Strategic Plan for Equality of Opportunities between men and women in Castilla-La Mancha, as an example of effective regional policies. Outgoing Mayor Ismael del Pino, a member of PSOE, expressed his support for Palma, and said he was willing to provide whatever help she needed.
La entrada El gobierno de Page reivindica políticas para superar la deuda histórica con las mujeres de C-LM, según Carmen Calvo. se publicó primero en Diario de Castilla-la Mancha.
Consulta más Noticias de Castilla-La Mancha, Noticias Ciudad Real, Noticias Toledo o Noticias de Cuenca.