5 marzo, 2025
InicioRegiónEl PSOE denuncia la falta de consideración de Núñez hacia Castilla-La Mancha...

El PSOE denuncia la falta de consideración de Núñez hacia Castilla-La Mancha al presentar su candidatura en Madrid y su hipocresía al hacerlo con Cospedal.

Cristina Maestre, the Deputy General Secretary of the PSOE in Castilla-La Mancha and MEP, has criticized the “disrespect” and lack of respect shown by the regional PP candidate, Paco Núñez, towards the autonomous community and its people by presenting his political project in Madrid “trying to nationalize the electoral campaign” for everything to be discussed except what affects and interests the region. Maestre, at a press conference at the regional headquarters of the PSOE, reproached Núñez for choosing the capital of Spain for the presentation of his candidacy, instead of “coming here to look people in the face” and explain, among other things, “why he now includes in his electoral program everything that was not done when they were in government”.

In addition, the socialist leader criticized Núñez’s “lack of credibility” when, after Page recovered the employment plans in Castilla-La Mancha, the provincial councils governed by the PP refused to finance their part of these programs, which benefit thousands of people in the region. Maestre contrasted Núñez’s staging as a candidate from Madrid with the way in which the President, Emiliano García-Page, announced his candidacy for re-election in Cañete, in Cuenca, at the opening of a residence for seniors, whose works were precisely paralysed by the PP during the government of Cospedal.

Regarding fiscal policy, the PSOE deputy regretted that Núñez “has not renounced this strategy of lies”, since today he “has lied again” about taxation in Castilla-La Mancha by claiming that it is “one of the regions with the highest taxes”. Maestre assured that it is “completely false”, since “not only have taxes not been increased, but we are also the region with one of the lowest tax rates in all of Spain”.

Finally, Maestre referred to the latest polls on the elections of May 28th, saying that from the PSOE, they will “work for what the citizens wanted in 2019”, which is to continue having García-Page at the helm of Castilla-La Mancha to guarantee a solvent government that provides stability to the region and its citizens.

La entrada El PSOE denuncia la falta de consideración de Núñez hacia Castilla-La Mancha al presentar su candidatura en Madrid y su hipocresía al hacerlo con Cospedal. se publicó primero en Diario de Castilla-la Mancha.

Consulta más Noticias de Castilla-La Mancha, Noticias Ciudad Real, Noticias Toledo o Noticias de Cuenca.

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