18 marzo, 2025
InicioRegiónLa Diputación premia a los deportistas de la capital y el Ayuntamiento...

La Diputación premia a los deportistas de la capital y el Ayuntamiento les felicita en su XXIX Gala del Deporte.

Isabel Fernández, parakarate champion from the capital, has been awarded the Diputación de Toledo prize at the 29th edition of the Provincial Sports Gala organised by the Diputación de Toledo, held at the auditorium of the Congress Palace in the city. The municipal councillor for sport, Pablo García, was in attendance, and was able to personally congratulate Isabel and the other athletes from the city who were recognised in different disciplines throughout the night.

Mr. García emphasised the value of such awards, and others like it, run by the council, which highlight the achievements of Toledo’s athletes, draw attention to their efforts and hard work, and encourage them to continue competing and reaching for the top, representing the city in the most important national and international competitions.

La entrada La Diputación premia a los deportistas de la capital y el Ayuntamiento les felicita en su XXIX Gala del Deporte. se publicó primero en Diario de Castilla-la Mancha.

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