En una entrevista con Europa Press, la candidata de Aike a la Alcaldía de Guadalajara, Susana Martínez, ha presentado sus objetivos para la próxima legislatura. Improving the state of the streets, addressing urban issues and solving deficiencies in youth and child policies are the main objectives set by Martínez. She has stressed the need to improve street cleaning, stressing that the city of Guadalajara is still just as dirty as it was. The poor state of public spaces, including the vandalising of urban furniture and poorly positioned signs, are also challenges that need to be addressed.
On the topic of urban development, Susana Martínez has stated that the city “has things to resolve in urban matters” and criticised the government’s failure to implement the Municipal Planning Scheme. She believes that effective planning is more important than the scheme itself.
In terms of youth and child policies, Susana Martínez has expressed dissatisfaction with the current lack of activities being offered in Guadalajara. “We are not offering anything, absolutely nothing. There are some sporadic activities, but with no specific locations or dedicated programming,” she said, adding that young people “need answers and spaces” from the city. She also addressed the need to improve school facilities and playgrounds.
Looking back at the current term of government, Martínez expressed her pride in the work carried out by her group, led by councillor Jorge Riendas. She believes that they have had a significant impact on the city’s issues, including providing proposals and close monitoring of all of the files. She stated that they would like to have a “relevant and decisive” role in the next term, and that they are in politics “to participate fully”. Martínez emphasised that they do not want to be a hindrance or take a step back but rather, work towards new and innovative solutions for the city.
La entrada Reescripción: Retos clave de Aike en Guadalajara para los próximos años: limpieza, urbanismo y políticas de juventud. se publicó primero en Diario de Castilla-la Mancha.
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